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Below are links to syllabi for the courses I've taught as the instructor of record. Unless otherwise noted, all courses were taught at UW-Madison.

ILS 110: Environmental Political Thought (seminar course for the "Environmentalism" FIG)

           Fall 2023 | 20 students | Sample assignment


PS 363: Literature and Politics

           Spring 2023 | 48 students | Sample assignment


PS 262J: Introduction to the American Political Process (at Edgewood College)

           Fall 2022 | 10 students | Sample assignment


ILS 371/PS 460: Environmental Political Thought

           Fall 2022 | 66 students | Sample assignment


Below is a list of the mentorships I've facilitated as part of the Department of Political Science's Undergraduate Research Scholars program.


Settler-Indigenous Encounters in Nineteenth-Century Turtle Island

          Spring 2024 | 5 mentees


Zitkala-Ša's Political Thought

           Spring 2023 | 5 mentees | Assignment


A Little House Reading Group

           Spring 2022 | 2 mentees


John Locke's Second Treatise on Government

           Fall 2021 | 1 mentee

Noah Stengl

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